Saturday, September 25, 2021

WSD 2021 WCD Registration Dockets #001-#015

We’ve secured our first 15 registrations for WSD 2021 World Children’s Day event that’s coming up on November 20. 

It’s a maiden step, a small start – but it’s good enough. For now.

We're looking forward to the next fifteen registrations.

#unexpectedvoices #worldspeechday #sabahbolehbah

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

WSD 2021 World Children's Day: Registration Opens

CV+ have decided to push forward our registration date for our upcoming event, WSD 2021 World Children’s Day. 

Yes, registration opens today!

#unexpectedvoices #worldspeechday #sabahbolehbah

Friday, September 17, 2021

WSD Theme for November 20th

 And the WSD theme for our November 20th event:

WSD 2021 World Children’s Day is dedicated to all the young people all around the world. 

#unexpectedvoices #worldspeechday #sabahbolehbah

Saturday, September 11, 2021

WSD @ 2 Sabah Locations

Two locations coming together for one shared public speaking experience – and that’s the World Speech Day 2021 World Children’s Day event. On November 20. 

But it’s more than that because we also want to venture beyond Beaufort and Membakut. 

We aspire to be everywhere because we are World Speech Day, 103 countries and counting. 

#unexpectedvoices #worldspeechday #sabahbolehbah

Friday, September 10, 2021

WSD Celebrates World Children's Day

It was a massive disappointment when the in-person WSD event planned for May 30 was aborted because of the cursed coronavirus – and the lockdown effectively derailed the much-anticipated arrangement. 

But CV+ refused to surrender! You know us, right? The famous Cyril Jonas and the infamous Victor Ong!

We have now decided to plan for another WSD event but just to be on the safe side, it’ll be conducted via Zoom. 

From our World Speech Day events in March 2021, we noted that out of the 233 participants registered, 91 of them were aged 17 years and below. That’s 39 percent and it is significant enough for us to want to further grow this demographic. After all, the young ones are the future!

And so, we are collaborating with two teachers from Sabah – to target students in particular. We are confident we’ll get a number of schools from within the state to participate. And hopefully, we can also interest schools (and colleges) from the rest of Malaysia and even from abroad.

This coming World Speech Day event commemorates World Children’s Day:

#unexpectedvoices #worldspeechday

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Importance of Public Speaking and Update 11

The power of public speaking should never be underestimated! 

It’s not difficult to make a good speech. All it takes is a clear, relevant message, a couple of points that are accompanied by anecdotes and you’re set to share your speech with the world. 

For those who have yet to stumble upon public speaking, you may be wondering why is public speaking important. 

It’s pretty obvious really. Everyone encounters a situation where public speaking skills are necessary. It could be at work, in the community, at school/university, or in your personal life. 

And you'll want to: 

  • Share information 
  • Influence listeners to make a change 
  • Win over the gallery 

Not to mention, career benefits: 

  • Become a thought leader 
  • Bring people together to connect 
  • In Sales, the art and science of persuasion is obligatory 
  • Stand out among your peers 
  • Career betterment 

As well as making new social connections: 

  • Get comfortable in social settings 
  • Find like-minded people 
  • Expand your professional and personal networks 

Undoubtedly, there are the personal benefits: 

  • Give your confidence a boost 
  • Step up your communication skills 
  • Enhance your critical thinking 
  • Become a better listener 
  • Experience personal satisfaction 

When you can appreciate the above, at the very least, you’ll want to discover that public speaking is something you should master. 

And World Speech Day is a platform for you to show that you can speak with confidence. 

This is the penultimate update on the subject of WSD 2021 videos. 

And here are today's Top 25 videos as at 08:30 AM Malaysian time: 

  • Karyn Yadlyn – 3430 views (1107)
  • Sanjanaa Kanthan – 3060 views (2342)  
  • Velleny Jivel Jinau – 2112 views (1706) 
  • Christal Wong – 1958 views (1104) 
  • Karan Z’vyr – 1516 views (340)
  • Simon Gibson – 1493 views (1237) 
  • Tashvein Jega Theesan – 1378 views (1168) 
  • Amirah – 1282 views (1152) 
  • Yosshveina Jega Theesan – 1254 views (1203) 
  • Santhy Dewi Pillai – 1133 views (624) 
  • Vellvie Jivel Jinau – 1043 views (934) 
  • Sumithra Devi – 1009 views (605) 
  • Smyra Z’ryn – 834 views ( – ) 
  • Chin Hui Ling – 787 views ( – ) 
  • Robyn Grace Leo – 629 views (466) 
  • Rohijas Md Sharif – 629 views ( – ) 
  • Haari Shamundiswary – 608 views (373) 
  • Chong Kai Zhen – 586 views (433)
  • Joyce Tan – 585 views (534) 
  • Ooi Mei Ling – 576 views (488) 
  • Thanuja Kunasekaran – 555 views (374) 
  • Annie Tsen – 541 views (526) 
  • Ahmad Fakhri – 519 views ( – ) 
  • Vashnavy Ragupathy – 487 (401) 
  • Chester Liam – 452 views ( – ) 

[Note: The figures in parentheses indicate the number of views from the last report published June 01, 2021]. 

A little reminder: If you’ve not subscribed to the said channel, please do so because you’ll be showing your support for CV+ and World Speech Day! 

#unexpectedvoices #worldspeechday #worldspeechday2021kualalumpur #worldspeechday2021johorbahru